I. The right not to fit into society's narrow mold of what anyone 'should' be, girl, boy, teen, adult, black, white, yellow, red, purple, or whatever.
2. The right to alternate between roman and arabic numerals in our official documents.
III. The right to congregate on and off the internet without people of the so-called "normal" variety disturbing us and annoying us because they do not like what we are.
IV. The right to scream and throw things at the TV when there is an exciting, season-ending cliffhanger.
5. The right to update these at a later time (whenever the President feels like it.)
The name of the organization shall be "The Weird Society."
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the organization shall be to provide a way for the outcasts of society to congregate, complain, and plot against them. Oh, and to discover that we are not alone, even if we are weird. And all that.
Article III: Membership
z. President: The president shall be Renee Perry until such time as she no longer wants to be President. At this point, provision 'y' will take effect.
y. The president shall be elected by online ballot each February 29. S/he shall serve for a term of four years unless s/he doesn't, in which case the clerk takes over.
x. Clerk: The clerk shall be Renee Perry until such time as this club actually has some members and someone else can take over the job. At this point, provision 'v' will take effect.
v. The clerk shall be nominated by the president and approved by a majority of the members.
Article V: Provisions for Amendment
This article can be amended at any time with a 2/3 vote in special referendum and approval of the president and clerk.